Generate More Engagement With Your Audience: Why You Need a Brand Message Video

As a business owner, you know that creating engagement with your audience is essential. But what's the best way to do that? A brand message video is a highly effective way to communicate your brand's story and personality and can help build a connection with your customers. 

In today's blog post, we'll discuss the benefits of using brand message videos and provide some tips for creating one that is effective. So if you're ready to make a video that will energise your audience, keep reading!

Our BMV for Clabaux Hair with their founder Mathieu Clabaux

What is a brand message video, and why do you need one?

A Brand message video (BMV) is a short video that allows your audience and potential customers to learn about your business. A BMV typically covers who you are, what you do, why you do it, who you help, how you help them and what makes you different.

Behind the scenes - Clabaux Hair

The benefits of creating a brand message video

Here are just a few: 

  1. If a consumer visits four websites before making their purchasing decision and three of those sites don't have BMV, but the fourth site does - you can be sure that the website with the BMV will get their business.

  2. Brand message videos give potential customers everything they need to know about your business at the click of a button, without having to scroll through your website to answer their questions.

  3. Brand message videos build trust and help humanise your company and connect with customers personally.

Behind the scenes - Mark Hammond BMV

How to create a brand message video that resonates with your audience

When planning a brand message video, it is important to keep a few things in mind:

  1. Who is your target audience? It's important to know who you are talking to.

  2. What do they need to hear? What information do they need to hear to feel like you understand them?

  3. What don't they need to hear? Sometimes, people might not care about specific things that you may feel are important (someone might NOT care about the tools you use however they DO care about how those tools will help them).

  4. What problems are they facing that you can help them solve?

Examples of effective brand message videos

A great example of a brand message video's results is our BMV for Abacus Marquee & Event hire. 

"Since adding the Brand Message Video to our landing page, our conversion rates have actually doubled". Mark Hammond.

You can see our own BMV below 👇


A brand message video is a powerful way to connect with your customers and create an emotional connection that can influence their buying decisions. 

If you're not currently using videos as part of your marketing strategy, now is the time to start. By creating a brand message video that resonates with your audience, you can improve your bottom line and set yourself apart from the competition. 

Ready to get started? Contact us today for more information or a free discovery call. Do you think a brand message video could help your business?

Sam Jones | Founder & Director | S Works Studio

Helping Businesses & Brands Grow With The Power Of Video.

Why Promo Videos Are a Must for Any Business